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›› Házte amigo del museo
Contacta “Amigos del museo” enviando un simple mensaje. Te enviaremos la tarjeta “Amigos de SanGimginano1300” gratuitamente junto con el programa y los beneficios reservados a los miembros del grupo.
Fill this form:
is_valid) { mail("", "Informazioni dal Sito", "Nome cliente:\n$nome\n\nTelefono:\n$telefono\n\nMessaggio:\n$info","From:$indie"); //mail("", "Informazioni dal Sito ES", "Nome cliente:\n$nome\n\nTelefono:\n$telefono\n\nMessaggio:\n$info","From:$indie"); echo "Messaggio inviato!"; $nome = ""; $telefono = ""; $indie = ""; $info = ""; } else { # set the error code so that we can display it $error = $resp->error; echo "Errore, riprova!";; } } ?>
* Privacy - We would kindly like to advise that the personal data you supply by filling out this form will be used exclusively by this company. In order to be able to reply to your query and process any eventual bookings, the information is private and secure and used exclusively for this purpose. Your details will not be disclosed to any third party. Our property abides by current Italian regulations and laws regarding privacy and data protection in accordance with the current regulation Art. 13 DDL